Motorcycle Accident Stories and Solutions
Motorcycle Accident Lawyer - Pasco County, FL
Representing Victims of Motorcycle Accidents in New Port Richey, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus County, FL
Motorcycle Accident Victim's Stories
No matter how many stories I hear from motorcycle accident victims, even as a seasoned Pasco County personal injury attorney, these stories never get easier to digest. I hear things like " Time immediately slowed down" or " I held on for dear life" or "I didn't see it coming, I just heard the metal grinding around me then I flew in the air" and "I knew I was going to die." Some of the more horrific accounts are when a rider has experienced severe burns. When you realize that the worst part wasn't what they recalled from the accident, but therealizations and difficult recovery they endured after the accident.
Bikers Run the Risk of Accidents on Tampa Bay Roads
Motorcycle accidents happen so frequently in Florida where the weather is prime. Unfortunately, the traffic is not. Bikers understand the risk because they love to ride. Unfortunately, the negligence of others on the road sometimes make that knowledge of risk --a reality.
Just because you don't see your injuries that doesn't mean they aren't there.
When you've been in a motorcycle accident you should seek treatment immediately, even if you are able to get up on your feet. There are accounts of riders who were burned, bleeding and still, were carried home before finally going to the hospital. Adrenaline is an amazing thing. I know many accident victims who have walked away, seemingly uninjured, only to find out much later that they had serious injuries. If you wait too long to be evaluated by the right medical professionals, you may be in for trouble when the injuries manifest years later.
When to Contact a Motorcycle Accident Attorney
There are times when there is no doubt that hiring a motorcycle attorney is in a victims best interest. You should definitely hire a motorcycle accident lawyer if you have Broken bones, burns, serious injuries or when a fatality has occurred. For accidents that seemed less serious or resulted in low property damage, riders may have questions about hiring an accident lawyer. If you've been in a motorcycle accident and you have questions about how to handle it, please reach out to us. Pasco County motorcycle accident attorney Wendy Doyle-Palumbo offers a free case review. This can help to determine whether you have a case that would benefit from hiring an accident lawyer.
Solutions When You're Injured in a Motorcycle Accident
We are compassionate, determined personal injury and motorcycle accident attorney fighting for riders in Pasco, Hernando and Citrus County, FL. Call 727-233-2134
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