Slip & Fall or Trip and Fall Accident Attorney Pasco County, Florida If you were injured in a slip and fall, trip and fall or any other type of accident resulting in an injury in a public place in Tampa Bay, it's important to consult with an experienced slip and fall personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Wendy Doyle-Palumbo, Esq., is a personal injury slip and fall accident attorney who represents clients who have been injured in Pasco County, Hernando County and Citrus County, Florida in the following places; G rocery or retail stores, amusement park, motel or hotel, airport, gas station, movie theater, shopping center, restaurant or other building where premise liability laws would apply. Pasco Florida Personal Injury Attorney on Proving Negligence in Slip & Fall Accidents In Florida, a business or land owner's failure to warn the public of a dangerous condition or to to follow proper building codes can result in serious injury and even wro...
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